Monday, August 16, 2010

Pop Montreal Rock Lottery @ Il Motore

I attended the 2nd annual Rock Lottery on Friday night and it turned out to be a lot more and better than I was ever expecting it to be.
For those who do not know the concept of Rock Lotteries it is as follows: They get together a bunch of musicians and and randomly put them together to form new bands. Each band are given only one week to write 2 songs. At the end of the week they perform their compositions to an audience.
So right of the bat I think everyone was caught off guard by the quality of the first act, the even incorporated vocal harmonies in their 2 tunes. I think that bands name was Posh Rebel Cowboys...interesting choice. I believe that was also the name of their 2nd tune.
Next up was a two piece that was made up of a friend of mine Mr. Andy Murphy from the local band Lakemaker and a drummer. This was probably the first time that I have ever seen Andy perform on stage with an electric guitar and it really worked. They played simple punky garage rock tunes but it sounded great. This is what make this Rock Lottery concept so interesting I guess, it pulls the musicians out of their comfort zone and pushes them into more unknown (to them) territory.
After that were a slew of more typically Montreal indie sounding acts. But I must admit the guy who performed in a speedo, or bikini breifs had people talking.
The act that ended up winning...not that this was really about winning, The Couch Tards, were surprising in that they were about of kids probably 18-20 and they sounded like Pavement meets Sonic Youth. Is the 90's lo-fi sound really coming back?
This was a great event and I look forward to seeing another one of these events.
Hopefully, I will be back to Il Motore next Saturday for Titus Andronicus.

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